Here are glimpses into the past: (Click on pictures for a larger view.)

Most of these pictures were taken through the window with my camera lense up against the glass resulting in poor quality in some photos (like the one below).
Here's the "behind the curtain" shot:
I purchased two of these desks, a cradenza, hutch and filing drawer years ago from Scandanavian Designs. I previously painted this shelf black to match the desks but I'm thinking I'm going to paint everything that's black to off-white. Just tired of the black. Oh yes, and that chair has been re-upholstered three times. This last time, I made a quicky slipcover in off-white fleece and it looks terrrrrrible. I've even slipped a pillow case over the back. I'm thinking about a new chair anyway.
I bought this old 1950's Singer portable (that weighs about 30 pounds) at a yard sale a few years ago for $10. I love the apple green color. I use it to sew my bears. It's a workhorse that will last another 60 years, I expect.
I made the magnet board out of a piece of welder's sheet metal from Lowes and a frame from Michael's that I got half off and spray painted. Made the memo board on the shelf out of leftover valance fabric. I also do all my painting and paper craft work on this table.
I do all my sewing (other than the bears) on this Janome, which I also love. The window looks out onto my beautiful Japanese Maple and the front yard and with northern exposure, the lighting is just right for me. I'd love to paint the chair but it is occasionally used at the kitchen table and matches those chairs.
Isn't he just fantastic? Thank you so much, Janice!!!
The bear I made for Janice is on her way so I'll wait until Janice has recieved her then post a picture.
A tiny cloth baby doll with blue elephant print rompers
Stay tuned for Violet Saturday . . .